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第72章 《Boyfriend》(1/2)

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伴随着《All around the world》的前奏响起,台下的粉丝们整齐划一的喊出了明俊赫的应援口号。


You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it

You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it

I think it's time, think it's time that you show it

You're beautiful, beautiful

Baby what you doing? where you at? where you at?

Why you working so shy? hold it back, hold it back

We're not the only ones doing it like that, yeah, like that






All around the world, people want to be loved

All around the world, they' re no different than us

All around the world

All around the world

You're crazy girl, crazy girl, you should know it

You're crazy girl, crazy girl, throw some chocolate

Light it up, light it up, so explosive


歌曲的中间还专门的插入了一段dance break,更好的将明俊赫这些天辛苦练习的舞蹈成果给完美的呈现了出来。



Baby what you doing?where you at? where you at?

Why you working so shy? hold it back, hold it back

We're not the only ones doing it like that, yeah, like that

So DJ bring that, bring that, bring that, bring that back

All around the world, people want to be loved

Yeah, all around the world, they' re no different than us

Once again



这倒不是爱豆们都会摆的呼吸姿势,只是因为他跳完了这首《All around the world》实在是太累了,需要靠大口的呼吸来恢复一下。




If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go

I can take you places you ain't never been before

Baby take a chance or you'll never ever know

I got money in my hands that I'd really like to blow

Swag swag swag, on you



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